WOW! Today was Awesome! Today was the first day we were in port and our first stop was in Cozumel, Mexico. We spent most of the day off the boat on the island of Cozumel. Before we headed out to explore Cozumel we grabbed lunch on the lido deck (which is buffet) and got all our things ready for our shore excursion.
Welcome to Cozumel, Mexico

When we got off the boat we just walked around the port (called Puerta Maya) and checked out all the shops etc. until it was time for our shore excursion at 2:00pm. Our shore excursion for today was a ATV Jungle adventure that took us to some Mayan Ruins. All I have to say is this excursion was AWESOME and boy did we get dirty. It started out with a 30 min. bus ride to the Cozumel jungles. Once we arrived we took a quick briefing of ‘how to work an ATV” before jumping on our ATV’s and riding through the jungle. They let ‘experienced’ drivers go in front while the non-experienced rode towards the back. SO… Daniel and I were put into the experienced group and rode at the front of the line. Which also meant you get the most dirtiest as you ride through the mud and waters of the jungle on our ATV’s. We were on our ATV’s for about an hour and a half which stopped at two separate Mayan Ruins. Each stop the tour guide explained the history behind the Mayan Ruins. We did learn that the ‘old saying’ of the Mayan prediction of the end of the world in 2012 is in fact NOT true and in reality it’s just the end of the Mayan Calendar. They said that the Mayan Calendar is 2600 years and at the end of the 2600 years the Calendar ends and that is 2012. Anyway… enough history for this blog. I will tell you that Daniel and I got COMPLETELY muddy on this excursion but it was so worth it because Daniel and I had a BLAST! (See pic’s below of our muddiness)
Daniel 1/2 way through our ATV Adventure!
Kim 1/2 way through our ATV Adventure!
So as you can see we got extremely muddy so after the excursion ended (around 5:30pm) we headed back to the ship to take a shower and get all the mud off of us. Once we showered and got cleaned up we ate dinner (again on the Lido Deck) and then headed back out to Cozumel. This time we just toured the island some more and did a little shopping. We then headed to FAT TUES DAY’s and had a Daiquiri and watched the sun-set on Cozumel. It was pretty cool b/c the ship was docked right in front of where we were sitting so we had her in view while the sun set.
Sun Set in Cozumel, Mexico!
We had to be back on the ship by 9:30pm as she was going to set sail at 10:00pm. We got back on the boat took all our stuff to our rooms and then headed down to the Venetian Palace where we watched a Game Show, Played Bingo and then watched the Main Show of the evening called “The Village Idiots”. This show was about two guys who where comedians / Jugglers. This show was so funny and interesting. They juggled all kinds of things and threw in comedy with it. They juggled bowling pins, knifes, Fire torches etc. After that show was over we headed to the Victoria Lounge where we watched another Comedy show but this Comedy show was for “Adult’s Only” and OMG it was Hilarious. So now finally after all that we made it back to our rooms and it’s now almost 2:00 in the morning. I will tell you that on this ship you do not make it back to your room before 1:00 AM. There is always things going on until 1:00 / 2:00 in the morning.
Well that’s about it for now. Tomorrow is another Fun Day at Sea as we head towards the Grand Cayman Islands. Don’t know what we will do tomorrow yet (still need to check out our Fun Times entertainment schedule), but I do know that I need to get some laundry done so I may do that tomorrow in the AM or late at night. We’ll see… Until tomorrow! Good-night!
Love and miss you Myriah and Garrett! ♥ ♥ ♥
Daniel & Kimberly